Podcast: Sean Michael Crane Joins Lance Bachmann to Discuss Mindset for Entrepreneurs

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In this episode of The Roofing CEO Playbook: Build It to Sell It, Lance Bachmann welcomes Sean Michael Crane, a performance coach at Unstoppable 365. They explore the importance of mental coaching and personal development for business owners, sharing strategies for maintaining focus, managing stress, and achieving inner peace amidst the challenges of entrepreneurship. Tune in for insights on building strong relationships, overcoming obstacles, and unlocking the full potential for success in both business and life.

Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Lance:  People will say, mate, you’re you’re the strongest guy I know, but even the strongest businessmen, they have so much coming at them. Not that you you break, but you don’t you start not to do the things necessary to make yourself sharp, sharp, sharp. Yeah. And I called you up. You didn’t even ask me for money. You didn’t tell me how much it would cost. You never asked me for a nickel. You were like, I’ll be on the next flight out.

[00:00:20] Sean:  Do you

[00:00:20] Lance:  remember that? You just spent the whole week here

[00:00:22] Sean:  with me. Yeah. And

[00:00:22] Lance:  we’re up every morning talking, working out, and you’re just with me.

[00:00:27] Sean:  If you wanna get better, you gotta put yourself in different environments at time and be around different thinkers and types of people because sometimes we can’t see our blind spots. Absolutely. You know what I mean? And so it’s like, it’s not about I need a coach because I’m struggling. It’s like, dude, I wanna coach because I always wanna be sharp, and I always wanna be progressive.

[00:00:44] Lance:  Welcome to the Roofing CEO Playbook podcast. Build it to sell it. We’re here to cut through the noise, all the rhetoric to show you how to build your roofing business, make it profitable where you make a boat ton of money. And the chart on top, when you’re ready to sell, you can sell to a private equity firm and change your family’s life. I’m sitting here with Shawn Michael Crane, who is actually my coach, and most people actually think he’s my business coach, but he’s not. He’s actually my mind coach. I bring him in twice a year. I’ve been doing it now for about 2 years. He spends about a week with me in my home. He spends every minute of the day with us for the most part. My family integrates himself in and really helps me get a reset to stay consistent on being me and true to myself. And, Sean, thank you so much. I know you work with a lot of different people, and I know you got a great, fascinating story. Why don’t you tell everybody who you are, and let’s jump right into it?

[00:01:35] Sean:  Yeah. I mean so my name is Sean Crane. Um, like Lance said, I’m a performance coach. I work with a lot of business owners. I founded the company Unstoppable 365, which is becoming the number one personal development company for business owners, specifically blue collar workers, guys in the trades. I didn’t plan for that to happen, but by just showing up every day and sharing my message and my story online, these are the relationships I built. Like, the 1st time I met Lance was on a FaceTime. Right? Bill Roselle and I had developed a relationship, and he said, hey. I want you to meet somebody. And he put the the phone to Lance, and we just chopped it up for a second. And then we end up doing a phone call a couple weeks later. And, um, Lance basically said, look, dude. If you wanna connect, I’m all about relationships. Why don’t you come out here to my pad and and this weekend in Philly, and, uh, we’ll get to know each other? So that was, like, a test. Right? A lot of guys wouldn’t just jump on a plane and take a red eye all the way across the country to hopefully build a relationship. Right? But, like, I understood exactly what Lance was doing. He wanted to check my character and see, like, how bad does this guy wanna be successful or build relationships? And I was hungry, man. I’m a tell you why I was still hungry in a second. But, uh, remember that? I flew out.

[00:02:46] Lance:  So the funny part is and I laughed because you flew out Saturday night on a red eye. Yeah. You met me. You got to my house about 11 o’clock, 10 o’clock in the morning. We worked out together if you remember. I was already working out. You came worked out. We spent about 6 hours together, and you flew back home to see your family that night. Yep. And that’s all I needed to know. Like, I knew this guy was hungry, driven, wasn’t messing around. I knew because you were just starting out then. Yeah. You were just starting out. I was like, this dude’s gonna be successful. And I said to my wife, I said, mark my words. This this guy’s gonna be a multimillionaire. Like, because so many people reach out to me. You with me now for multiple weeks at a time now. You see my DMs. It’s this constant reach out all day long tech. But when I say you’ll show up, how many people show up?

[00:03:31] Sean:  Yeah.

[00:03:31] Lance:  And that’s 1 out of a 100.

[00:03:32] Sean:  That’s the thing is people, like, think someone else is gonna make them successful. Like, the relationships are key, but you still gotta work, and you gotta bring value to the table. You know?

[00:03:40] Lance:  And what really impressed me is your story, not your childhood, but your story how you wind up in prison. Similarly, most people know I got locked up when I was juvenile. You start telling me your story. You meet my son, LJ, you know, and LJ was fascinated by your book. He loved it. And, like, you’re a great father, first of all. Like, you just go with children. But tell people your story and what really made you get into this because I don’t think people understand Mhmm. What you had to go through to get to here.

[00:04:08] Sean:  I was locked up at 23, and I was facing life in prison. And for 8 months, I was in a 6 by 8 cell isolated 24 hours a day, not knowing how much time I was gonna spend in jail. Like, no one believed me that I was innocent. People at the party knew I didn’t do the crime. They knew who committed the assault, but no one wanted to get involved with the police. So it was like my lawyers didn’t believe me. The DA, the judge didn’t believe me, only close family members, and then the people at the party that knew the truth, which no one was coming forward. So finally, they sentenced me to 7 years in prison. And here I’m at 23. I’m like, fucking 7 years? That’s almost a decade. You know? Um, but in that 8 months, man, I went through this massive transformation. Like, I sat in that cell, and we talked about this the other day. Like, true success is being able to look in the mirror and knowing you’re being the best fucking version of yourself. Absolutely. Like, no bullshit. Right? Well, my whole life, I bullshitted myself. I used drugs. I escaped. I I just checked out. Like, a lot of people are in denial. Right? And in that cell, there was no running. There was no escape. And I looked in the mirror, man. I was like, who the fuck are you? This is not the person you were supposed to be. Like, I felt ashamed, and I had so much regret, and it just ate away at me in that cell every day. And this is what most people are gonna experience at the end of their life. Like, when you’re on your deathbed and your mind’s racing with all the memories of the past and who you could’ve been and how you could’ve lived, it’s gonna torture you. And I had that experience, man. And so in that cell, I was like, dude, fuck this. I’m never gonna contribute to this feeling again. Like, I don’t care if I’m in jail for a 100 years. Every day, I gotta do in my heart what I know I should be doing. So the 1st decision was I’m gonna be sober for the rest of my life. I’m never touching anything again. I’m a 100% sober. I’ve been ever since. That was 12 years ago. And then every day, I’ll just get up, and I’m like, well, what can I do today? Like, okay. I know no one believes me. I know they’re trying to send me to prison. I know all the bad stuff. What can I do today just to get 1% better? Just to feel like I’m I’m doing everything in my power to improve or make this situation better. And so I started working out, reading, writing every day. Like, that was the beginning of my journey. And in a very short period of time, I started feeling proud of myself. Like, I was locked up. I was hungry. I was missing my family, but I was fucking attacking my workouts. I was reading a bunch of books. I was writing. I was improving everything I could. And so I started doing that, and over the years, I felt myself grow immensely. I developed discipline. I developed confidence and belief in myself, and that’s when the other guys in prison started noticing. Like, dude, this this guy’s different. He’s up at 4 working out. Know? He’s not fucked around with the drugs. He’s not into all the the the gang and criminal activity. He’s reading books, and, like, the guys that did wanna change started gravitating towards me. And I’d work out with them and get them in shape. I’d show them what books I was reading, and I saw them start to change. Like, guys that you don’t think will ever change with the worst mindsets, the worst attitude.

[00:06:44] Lance:  Oh, yeah. And I

[00:06:44] Sean:  was like, damn. This is powerful. Like, if I can get these guys to change in here, I can get anyone in the world to change. And so that that’s when I really uncovered my purpose. I’m like, I’m here to be of service. I wanna help people. I wanna be a coach, and that’s when my vision just started expanding.

[00:06:59] Lance:  You know, it’s funny when you say about being service. You know? So Sean jumps out. He meets me for the 1st time, and we talked, and we had a great time. And then I went through I don’t wanna call it no. I don’t call it what it was. It was a depression when I sold 1 SCL, if you remember. I went through a very dark spot, and I called Sean up. I was like, Sean, listen. Can you fly out? I called y’all. I was, yo, can you fly out and spend the week with me? I told my wife. I’m like, man, something’s wrong. I went through it a few years ago. I had to call Tony Pree up, and Tony Pree let me at least stop what he was doing. He was at my house for a little year, a month straight every morning at 6 o’clock just and people will say, mate, you’re you’re the strongest guy I know, but even the strongest businessmen, they have so much coming at them. Not that you you break, but you don’t you start not to do the things necessary to make yourself sharp, sharp, sharp. Yeah. And I called you up. You didn’t even ask me for money. You didn’t tell me how much it would cost. You never asked me for a nickel. You’re like, I’ll be on the next flight out. Do you remember that? You spent the whole week here with me.

[00:07:57] Sean:  Yeah. And we’re

[00:07:58] Lance:  up every morning, talking, working out, and you’re just with me. And to me, that’s, like, that’s when you know. I just said, well, this guy is just a good guy. And that time, you already had your online thing going, and you were making some money, and

[00:08:11] Sean:  Yeah.

[00:08:11] Lance:  You’re doing well. And when you say you’re here to serve, like, I truly we that. We had a conversation about someone else. I don’t agree with his antics. I’m, but, yeah, I just and I can be friends with someone I don’t agree with. Right? I told you that. Like but you actually have people’s best interests at heart. You try to help self develop. You know, you’re the you’re on the phone. I posted me and you on the on Monday, and my phone rang. And it was a guy that came to one of my masterminds, and he’s like, you know, people pay you so much money, Lance. He’s like, you don’t feel embarrassed posting that you have a mental coach because that’s ultimately what you are. It’s a mental coach to me. Right? Like, you call it performance. I call it you come in, you reset me, you we talk we talk about all you see the stress I go through, you try to like, you don’t wanna get me to ice bath in the afternoons. Right? You’re like, hey. Do it in the afternoon. You’ll be a better father to your kids, so I do it in the afternoon. And I said to him, I said, I’m not ashamed of it all. I said, I think any high achiever, any high performance person better have a fucking coach that they could talk to that doesn’t judge them, that doesn’t ever throw anything back in their faith? Because you’ve never done that, and you know you know all my secrets. You know all the most intimate things about me and my wife, business, people. I never you always try to give me a different way to look at it. Can you explain to business owners? Because, Roy, you I mean, you only work with business owners for the most part. Correct?

[00:09:31] Sean:  Predominantly. Yeah.

[00:09:32] Lance:  I mean because a lot of business owners don’t think they need help.

[00:09:36] Sean:  Yeah. And that’s the worst attitude. Like, for me, I’m always gonna be seeking growth and information. Like, my growth is never complete. I don’t care if I’m a billionaire. Like, I it doesn’t matter. I wanna get better every day. If you wanna get better, you gotta put yourself in different environments that time and be around different thinkers and types of people because sometimes we can’t see our blind spots. Absolutely. You know what I mean? And so it’s like, it’s not about I need a coach because I’m struggling. It’s like, dude, I wanna coach because I always wanna be sharp, and I always wanna be progressing. And even at the highest level, people get complacent, and they fall into a comfort zone. Like, if you’re crushing it and you’re a 9 figure owner, uh, 9 figure, um, income earner for 10 years straight. By that 9th, 8th, 9th, 10th year, whatever, you’re gonna that’s your comfort zone now. Like, you’ve normalized that lifestyle. So what about elevating beyond that? There needs to be a catalyst. You know? So I work with so many business owners, and I see the same symptoms. They’re so focused on business and success in the business. They neglect their health. It affects their mindset over time. Stress starts to accumulate, and they’re not good at home. They’re not present. There’s issues with their marriage. They’re not spending the time with their kids or the quality of time they know they should. They tell me all the same things. Like, dude, I can’t turn it off when I go home. I’m not spending time with my kids, or they gain weight and they’re unhealthy. So it’s like, my job is to help them understand the value of being healthy, the value of prioritizing these routines so that they can be better in all areas of life and when across the board. And when you have a 1000000 fucking things going on, it’s hard to do that. It’s hard to put all the pieces together. It is. And you need someone to hold you accountable and say, like, dude, you told me you wanna be this fucking man, but you’re still acting like this guy. Like, what’s gonna happen in 10 years when you don’t change? What’s at stake for you? And they need to they need to, like, think about that and almost feel that that, like, scared feeling. It’s not like, oh, fuck. My wife might leave me. Oh, damn. Like, my kids might be estranged from me. You know? Because all of a sudden, what about when she leaves your ass and has another dude and you see pictures of your kids with that man? That’s gonna fucking eat you up.

[00:11:31] Lance:  Oh, is that a no?

[00:11:32] Sean:  In my job, like, when I sat in that cell and the pain that I felt, I would’ve done anything. Like, I felt like I could’ve busted through that wall. Like, you know what I mean? And so the pain is what changes us. It changes our behavior instantly. And my job is to help people to understand what’s at stake if they don’t change and paint that picture for them so they are willing to do the work now to change for the better.

[00:11:51] Lance:  We worked out the other day. My phone rang. You were listening to a conversation I had. And the guy is like, Lance, once I’m worth 9 figures like you, once I’m a millionaire, like, saying this to the comments, it’s all gonna change for me. And I started laughing when I hung up. I said, this guy thinks money is gonna set everything else perfect. Yeah. And as you’re in my basement working out, getting my head right with me, just get me and, like, when I say get my head right, people, like, it’s not that I’m depressed that John didn’t come here. I was depressed. I was looking forward to Sean. Bill Roselle was looking forward to to get here.

[00:12:19] Sean:  Like Yeah.

[00:12:20] Lance:  But Joe Lynn was happy that he’s here because when I come out of it for about 5 months to 6 months, I’m sharp as a needle again. And then he just comes back and you just recalibrate. Like, it’s I don’t know. But he doesn’t understand. He doesn’t think he needs to coach this guy. He thinks he said, I can do what you do. I can do what he does. He thinks that money is gonna change, just make him happy. And what I say to you, I said, money money, it’s about winning while we’re doing these things. Like and I think that’s why if you’re a true business entrepreneur and you don’t have some coaching in your life, it’s gonna be very hard to grow. Do you agree with that, or are you kind of against that?

[00:12:54] Sean:  No. Absolutely. And I think a lot of people think, like, at one point, like, when I have this one thing, I’ll be happy. Like, when my when my business is at this certain level, when I have this certain amount of money, and they think this feeling is gonna come from that stuff. It doesn’t. It it doesn’t. So they’re chasing for the rest of their life. Once you make that money, you’re still gonna have fucking problems. You’re still gonna have the same mindset. You’re gonna still have the same bad habits. Like, your daily habits and actions are what make you feel a certain way about yourself. Like, I’ve had days where I made a lot of money, but I didn’t, like, feel super good because maybe some other shit was going on in my life. Now on the flip side of the coin, I’ve had days in prison with nothing where I felt so much gratitude and joy about my life. Like, more more gratitude and joy than I’ve experienced out here on Sundays with my beautiful family and everything going well. And it it’s something deeper than just the the surface level stuff. You know what I mean?

[00:13:43] Lance:  It’s funny you say that because I was talking yesterday to a guy that wants to partner with me, and he said, you know, the first time you got an 8, uh, a 10 figure check, right, Did you jump up and down? Were you crazy? And I’ll never forget. I was sitting in a room. It was me, Joe Lynn, my partner at the time, and it was, like, 3:30 in the afternoon. We closed that morning, and the money was supposed to hit immediately. We actually signed the paperwork the night before, but they released it at midnight, so that’s how it works out of escrow. And the money was supposed to hit 1st in the morning. The money didn’t hit. So now it’s, like, 334, and my partner goes, goddamn, the money hit. So Lynn’s money hit, my money hit, and I’ll never forget, this guy gets up, and he grabs a bottle of Woodrow Reserve, and he starts drinking. He’s like, do you want 1? I mean, Jolin are like, no. I’m like, we got more to do right now. We’re working on other stuff. Mhmm. And they said you weren’t, like, excited. At that time, it was the biggest check I’ve ever got in my life. Yeah. 4 years ago. At one time. And then you’re like, okay. I just got this money, but I didn’t feel an ounce of happiness. I didn’t take a day off because that win was already over. Yeah. I don’t think real businessmen

[00:14:50] Sean:  It was all the work leading up to that result. It’s almost like the work. And when you’re progressing and working towards the goal, it’s like that’s where you get that feeling. It’s, um, it’s apprehension. It’s like not knowing if you’re gonna achieve that goal, but you’re driven every day and inspired to achieve that goal. It’s kinda like like the chase. You know what I mean? Like, you see that in the relationships.

[00:15:09] Lance:  I remember feeling happy that Jay, I signed the LOI. Because then

[00:15:13] Sean:  you get that goal, and you’re like, okay. Fuck. Now what’s next? Right? Same like you you said with 1 SEO. Like, once you sold it, you’re like, damn. What next? Because because Tony Robbins said progression creates, um, happiness. Like, progression creates fulfillment.

[00:15:24] Lance:  I do believe I believe you need to have a mission.

[00:15:26] Sean:  Well, that’s why in working out, you set goals. You wanna get stronger. Like, people that are training the marathons and stuff, they have that time they wanna be. Because it’s knowing that we can get better and then all the work that goes into that result, that’s, like, where we get the fulfillment. But that’s also why it’s so important to have a deeper reason and meaning behind what you’re doing than just that money. Like, the people that just want that money, you know, addictions. They develop bad habits, vices because they’re not getting a few of

[00:15:55] Lance:  the stuff. Let’s talk about that. But look

[00:15:57] Sean:  at, like, this is so important. Like, you wanna win. Like, this is what I noticed about you and some of the highest achievers I’ve been around. The money and the result is secondary. You like and and I can identify with this. I’m I’m not okay if I don’t look in the mirror, and I’m like, I’m not being the best fucking version of myself. Same with you. You wanna win. You wanna be the highest, most elite version of yourself. The money and the result is secondary. That’s why you keep winning because that’s a never ending pursuit. And it’s not like a greedy thing where I need more. I need more. I need more. It’s like, no. I just wanna see the fuck I can become in this lifetime. I wanna reach my full potential, and that’s a never ending pursuit.

[00:16:30] Lance:  About money for me because it’s clear I don’t need money. Yeah. I mean, look at my farm. Look at his pay like, I don’t need money. Yep. I need to win. I need that purpose that may we I you how many times you say it’s the mission? We’ve stayed a course to the mission. Everything’s a mission for us. Right? Everything’s a mission. But I do wanna talk about addiction and drugs and alcohol because the one thing you you notice with me is and I do love the reason that you come here is because we don’t touch alcohol at all when you’re here. Mhmm. And not that we drink a lot in my house, but you saw my wife the other night say, hey. You just want a glass of wine? And I was like, no. Yeah. I just wanna stay the course, but you can have 1. Right? Mhmm. Where I would’ve, I said, if you weren’t here, I probably would’ve had that glass of wine. It would’ve turned into 2, and the next day is just I got a bad hip anyway, but the next day is just a shitty day. Yeah. Can you talk about why high performers try really not to drink as much, and they get away from the bars, and they’re going out, and because I don’t think I think people think I’m rude when I say that, but everyone I know that’s a high performer doesn’t fuck around like that. They’re not going to bars with their friends. They’re not hanging out at night. They might go with their wife and do a trip here or there, do some things, but they’re not going on boys’ trips. Can you talk about that and

[00:17:38] Sean:  the high performers? It’s like, where are your priorities at? You know, how many conferences have we been to where the night before the event, everyone’s at the bar getting fucking smashed? Insane. And then you see people showing up late. They’re not focused. Like, dude, you’re at an event where you’re trying to get information and grow your business, and you’d rather drink and get fucked up and party, like, that’s childish. You know? That’s why they’re not successful. It’s all about your habits, dude. And, like, if you have a guy who’s drinking every night versus a guy who’s not, that guy’s more sluggish. He doesn’t have the clarity. He’s not working out as much because he’s hungover. Like, it takes away from who you could become. You know? And and you don’t have the focus and the clarity. And another thing too is, like, why do people drink and do that stuff? Probably because of stress. Without a doubt, running a business is stressful as hell. Well, imagine the guy that doesn’t need the drink and can develop within himself the ability to handle the stress versus the guy that needs a drink to cope. Who do you think is gonna grow more and reach a higher level? The guy like, your ability to manage stress is what leads to success at a high level. Right?

[00:18:34] Lance:  I said the other day, I said, it separates, and I couldn’t do it before. I used to flip out all the time, scream. You see what my days are like. Those are stressful. Like, people are like, oh, man, Lance, you don’t wanna deal that much. People see your Facebook. They see the watches. They see the phone. They see the card. Yeah. They know. Yeah. They have no clue what stress begins. My day starts at 4:35. You see the phones on there. All I deal with with problems from 5 to 7:38. You see it every morning. Like Managing people. Managing people, and you’re a 100% correct. If you don’t learn how to manage stress, you the idea is what makes the great entrepreneurs great. So absolutely. They can deal with the stress. Like, there’s nothing that could stress me at this point. I’m like, yeah, it’s just gonna work out. We’ll figure it out.

[00:19:14] Sean:  And and so, like, that’s why I work out and do what I do, uh, cold punts on it because it takes away that edge, and it keeps stress low. If I didn’t do that stuff, I’d I I would’ve went back to drinking by now. Like, I would’ve fucking broke. Or the worst thing is, like, taking it out on loved ones or acting out of character. To do that. You know what I mean? Yeah. It’s it’s, uh, you gotta mature and and be able to recognize, like, okay. I don’t wanna bring that that problem home, and and that take it’s like trial and error. Right? It doesn’t happen right away, but you gotta develop that. But the guy who’s drinking and stuff and just relying on alcohol, like, he doesn’t develop that maturity. He doesn’t develop that maturity.

[00:19:47] Lance:  He doesn’t develop that. Cheat on his wife. Like, you know, I told you honestly years ago, I cheated on my wife. I’m I regret it. I I’m not proud of it, but I’m not gonna actually, I’m a holy leader now, people. I said to people all the time, like, if you cheat on your wife, that’s on you, but I’m probably not gonna do business with you at this point in my life because I know how fucked up I was for doing it. Right? Like, a a man of the minute should never done it. I can tell you why I did it because I fucking felt loneliness inside for whatever reasons it was. Like, that temporary fix never fixed what I was looking for. Mhmm. And meanwhile, I have a beautiful wife at home I love, I care about. I’m treating her like shit. I was lying to myself like you said. I can’t even be truthful with myself in the mirror. Yeah. Like, why do you think so many business owners cheat on their wives?

[00:20:29] Sean:  Yeah. I mean, what you just said, I think it was a symptom of a lot of stress and a lot of pressure.

[00:20:33] Lance:  Like I found this juice, though. You just told

[00:20:35] Sean:  me to share. Like, you admitting that now I’m being honest about is good because you can help other people. Like, there’s other younger guys that are going through that right now, and you’re being honest about it. Like, fuck. Wow, Lance. You know? And you you’ve mended that relationship, and you’ve changed. So change is possible. But I think whether you’re turning Well,

[00:20:51] Lance:  just don’t go out. Right? Don’t hold yourself in a position.

[00:20:54] Sean:  What environments you shouldn’t be in.

[00:20:55] Lance:  Right? Well, alcohol shouldn’t be in a bar or a nightclub. Right? Like this

[00:20:58] Sean:  Whether it’s alcohol, weed, pills, women, porn, like, there’s all these vices guys turn to, and it’s an attempt to, like, numb out that feeling, whatever stress, loneliness. If you don’t deal with whatever is taking place, like, it’s gonna continue to repeat in your life. You gotta fix yourself. That’s why personal development is so important. Personal development is more than just working out an ice bath. It’s like doubt. Actually learning about yourself and why the fuck do I do this? Well, why do I feel this way? Why am I jeopardized in everything I said I wanted? So that’s why having a coach is important too. Like Well,

[00:21:27] Lance:  we don’t even listen to music when we work out. We talk. Yeah. Like, we we’re talking. We’re talking. We’re not gonna do this.

[00:21:32] Sean:  Really important.

[00:21:32] Lance:  It’s like therapy. I mean, it’s fucked up, but it’s like you’re always, like, you’re a shrink a little bit. Right?

[00:21:37] Sean:  Like Well, yeah, it’s a mixture of, like, therapy, fitness coaching, mindset training. It’s all of it combined. That’s what I tell people because a lot of guys don’t talk about stuff out loud to anybody. They keep it all suppressed. And when it’s suppressed, that’s actually one of the reasons people develop these bad habits. So it’s like when you suppress emotion, then you have cravings. You’re trying to numb out some feeling that’s affecting you in terms

[00:21:57] Lance:  business owners I mean, truth be told, most business owners can’t. The things I tell you, I can’t tell other people.

[00:22:03] Sean:  Yeah. Well, that’s just that’s

[00:22:05] Lance:  just the reality of it.

[00:22:06] Sean:  I can’t having a mentor or coach is so important because most business owners, they’re the top dog in their work. And they’re delegating. They’re holding people accountable, but no one’s checking in on them. So no one knows, but a lot of these guys are actually suffering. They’re suffering in silence internally. Their thoughts are, like, not really that good, and they’re doing shit that no one knows about to try to cope and try to just maintain. Why do you think so many business owners don’t? Because now that I

[00:22:29] Lance:  have you, I looked at how I’ve excelled over the last 2 years just in so many ways, professionally, my wife and me have a better relationship. I never would’ve gone away with my wife 2 years ago for 10 days, never in a 1000000 years.

[00:22:40] Sean:  Yeah.

[00:22:40] Lance:  I never you know? As you know, I’ve always been about my kids. That’s off the table for me not to be. But even business wise, I’ve calmed down. Why do you think so many business owners because you have online courses. You I mean, I’m a in person type of person. You know that. Like, I’d said that to you. Like, I’m just I don’t I’m not gonna go online and talk. That’s just me and my personality. I’d rather fly you in, spend time with you, and be with you. Why do you think so many business owners don’t understand? I I try and tell people all the time, like, yo. Go to Shawn Michaels. Go to Shawn Michaels. Like, uh, I don’t know. You know? Does it work? I’m like, dude, this isn’t, like, fucking voodoo. I mean Yeah. You’re you’re paying to come to my masterminds. You’re coming to comp my conference. You’re coming to my shop tours. You asked me to mentor you, but the biggest piece I think truly is, you know, certain things like service, tighten, roll in. There’s there’s systems and process things, but for your mental health, what you need, I think you’re one of the biggest pieces why so many business owners don’t use people like you.

[00:23:35] Sean:  Yeah. I think well, if you’ve had success and you’ve grown a business, part of it is, like, not thinking you need a coach because you’ve had success and you’re progressing, maybe not understanding the benefits of having a coach, like how it can really take you to the next level. And then for some guys, it’s ego. It’s e it’s either their ego, like, I don’t need a fucking coach, or a limiting belief. Like, I don’t have enough time. Like or is it gonna work? Will it help me? You know what I mean? So one of the best things I think we can be is open minded and willing to try things. Like, that when I flew out in January, right, if you didn’t like that experience, you never had to invite me out ever again. But at least you knew, and you you took that step. A lot of guys don’t. They just close the door on shit over and over and over, and it’s like, that’s the worst way to be. Even if you’re successful and you’re saying, like, you you have a closed mind, you’re not gonna continue growing. You don’t know how much better you can become or how much better you can get. And here’s the thing. Like, everyone knows who Tim Grover is. Michael Jordan’s coach, Kobe Bryant.

[00:24:28] Lance:  Why do you think Those guys got coaching.

[00:24:29] Sean:  Michael Jordan had a coach in Kobe Bryant.

[00:24:31] Lance:  Yeah.

[00:24:31] Sean:  When you wanna be the best, you don’t care about anything, but what is it gonna take to get me there? Who do I need to have around me? What changes do I have to make? And you’re willing to do whatever it takes. That’s the bottom line. And maybe some people, they lose that spark. Like, whatever got them started on their journey, they kinda they start to fade out, you know, and they just settle, like, instead of continuing to progress and seeing how good they can be.

[00:24:52] Lance:  I see people. Right? Obviously, you know, I partner with people. And I think some of my partners, truthfully, just can’t figure out to be how to be a business person. Right? I think they’re great people, but they’re like, I don’t understand p and l systems processes. So, like, that’s why you partner, right, with me, but I don’t think I think I’ve seen people not done this enough, especially people I’ve handed checks to. Mhmm. Every one of my partners I handed money to, I see they lose all the fire in their eyes. They don’t like, why does money make people fucking fat and happy? Because is it just they were just trying to get a check? I’m sure it’s because Well,

[00:25:28] Sean:  that’s what it is. Like, the the number one thing motivating them is the money. And, like, we talked about what is what separates people that are, like, okay or average and then great. The greats have a different thing inside of them driving them every day. You wanna be a fucking champion. You wanna win at all cost. I I wanna look in the mirror and know I’m being my best self. Like, that will never stop. So you put $1,000,000,000 in my bank account right now. Dude, I’m getting my fucking ass about 5 tomorrow, and I’m gonna do the cold plunge. I’m gonna work out. I’m gonna do the same routine. That routine is what gives me mental clarity and peace, and that’s what everyone’s after. Everyone’s chasing the money and the success. They’re all after the same thing. They wanna feel that same feeling inside of them of inner peace.

[00:26:08] Lance:  But that money isn’t gonna give

[00:26:09] Sean:  you peace. Not. And this is why prison was such an asset for me. I found peace in my prison cell, and I was like, what the fuck? How can I feel this way in this environment? I’m facing life in prison, and I’m going to bed so grateful. Like, so much gratitude in my heart and so much peace. I couldn’t believe it. And it taught me that all the stuff that we’re taught out here that we think we need, we don’t need that shit. That’s secondary. And a lot of times that stuff comes from becoming the person you’re supposed to be anyway. Right? Like, it’s a natural byproduct. So I figured that out. I was like, damn, I gotta share this with the world. I felt like I unlocked the the secret of life. Like, the truth is we’re all after the same thing, inner peace, happiness, feeling proud of who we are. And how do you get there? By becoming your best self and developing that person. And, like, when you do that, you know, you know, I’ve scaled a 7 figure business. I have the wife and children of my dreams. Like, dude, I’m just getting fucking started. I built relationships with you and all these top level guys, and speaking on stage is like, that was part of the vision. You know? But that happened because I stayed the course, and every day, I worked on myself. And so as I’ve been on this journey, I’ve still been able to hold on I’ve never broken character. I have that inner peace, and that’s why I’ve I’ve produced these results.

[00:27:17] Lance:  You are true to yourself because the funny thing is he lives with me and my family, integrates himself in. And people like, we spend the day together, but you’re doing your stuff, I’m doing my stuff. We spend the first 2 hours in the morning together, and then we eat dinner together. And, like, I’m like, who wouldn’t want that? Because even if you do it online, I’m assuming online coaching is an hour a week, maybe 2 hours a week, something like that. I don’t know

[00:27:38] Sean:  what to do. A Zoom call every week and then check-in. You know?

[00:27:41] Lance:  So it’s really not that much time. I don’t get it this way. You’re here for a full week. Mhmm. It’s actually more inconvenient for you. You’re doing me a favor, but we’re only together from, you know, 5 to 7:30, 5 to 8 in the morning, whatever. And then we’re together at night at dinner time for, what, probably 45 minutes, hour talking. Like, Yeah. It’s really not that big of a deal. Yeah. Like, you like, for me, it’s a no brainer to have you in here in my house doing that situation. Mhmm. Why wouldn’t a business owner just say, yo, for an hour, let me go get my mental reset?

[00:28:10] Sean:  Yeah. I mean, an excuse? Like, I don’t have time or you know, it people who are really busy like that, business owners, they’re always putting out fires. Like, they’re not very organized. You know what I mean? They’re not in control of how they spend their time. Like, they don’t prioritize the morning routine. They’re not working out. They don’t plan ahead with my team. Need a routine? Oh, hell, yeah. Having a routine for me is essential. If I get thrown off my routine, like, even if I’m here or if I was back in jail, I would still get up in the morning and have that 1st hour to 2 by myself where I could focus on my car.

[00:28:43] Lance:  Lying. He’s sitting in his room down here. I come down here. He walks out. He meets me. He sees my routine. I answer emails, my laptop, and he sits right back in his room. I don’t know if you meditate or if you’re just reading the book there, but I got both. He’s just sitting in there by himself. I

[00:28:56] Sean:  I like that time in the morning to collect my thoughts and just get focused on the day, and that sets me up for my entire day. Like, I just go into my days, like, tunnel vision. I know exactly what I gotta do, and I just attack it. But it’s about getting my energy right. Like, if if I wake up late and then my kids are all, like, jumping all

[00:29:12] Lance:  over and

[00:29:12] Sean:  stuff, you would think that’s great. And some days, it’s okay, but but I do it just like I get irritable. I don’t I I need that time in the morning to get myself right. Because, dude, I was a, dude, I was a drug addict for 10 years. I grew up seeing a bunch of bad shit at home. Like, there’s parts of me, my demons, that I gotta still keep at bay every day. Like, they never go away. I’ve grown and changed a lot, but if I get off my routines and I stop developing myself, I don’t know what would happen. You know what I mean? And I’m not willing to risk that. And so I wanna get up and just kill those fucking demons with positive action right away, get my thoughts, my energy pure, and then I bring that man in my family and that man into the world. So I

[00:29:49] Lance:  wanna I wanna because I know we gotta wrap this up. I wanna give you a special kudos. So when we did the roofing conference process, which, you know, I bought Mhmm. Uh, partnered with Dimitri on, uh, Bill says to me, who is the Lance? This is your conference. Who’s the number 1 speaker you want? And I thought of 2 people right away. Josh Sparks, I said, who I have a lot of respect for, did great things in the roofing business. Most people don’t even know who this guy is. He’s undercover, very humble man, but I like him. I consider him a dear friend. Very, very good guy. He’s coming for probably only 400,000,000 residential roofing this year. Wow. My number 2 was you. I said, this guy has done something that I’m going to do in the roofing space I wanna do. And I said, this guy I know impacts people every day for serving people. I said, I think more business owners need this. And that’s why I asked you right away after I got the conference with Sean, will you come and speak? Because I think people need to hear your message and understand. As a business owner, you have an option for people that actually care and can help you get better. So I just wanna thank you, brother.

[00:30:49] Sean:  Dude, absolutely, man.

[00:30:50] Lance:  So it’s

[00:30:51] Sean:  an honor, and I I love the relationship we built. And, dude, this is, like, why I do what I do because I get to connect with guys like you and then all the people that follow you, all the people that just wanna be their best, they don’t know how to get there. Like, I’m on a mission to change the world, and I know I’m just 1 man. I’m not gonna change the world. But by being around guys like you and Tommy Mello and all these fucking driven individuals, like, the ripple effect is taking place. And, you know, we can bring a whole new mindset and standard to the trades and to people who do business. Like, we could have it all, man. Best relationships, best health and fitness, best mindset, crushing it and making a bunch of money, and that’s the goal. So Well, if you don’t know who

[00:31:25] Lance:  he is, look him up. Shawn Michael Crane. Shawn, give all your contact info. I’m just telling you right now, you wanna change your life, change how you act, change how you behave. One of the best decisions I made was bringing him in for 7 to 10 days, twice a year for me. I’m not saying he’s your guy. It might not be, but at least reach out to him, talk to him. But there’s other business coaches out there, but he’s worked for me. He’s worked for 9, 10 people I know you use. All high level people that just wanna win. We’re gonna contact you at, Sean. Uh, so you can contact me on face

[00:31:56] Sean:  uh, Facebook, Sean Michael Crane, s e a n, is how I spell my first name. And then Instagram, sean_craine_official. Shoot me a DM. I handle all my social media. If you wanna connect, reach out to me

[00:32:08] Lance:  there. Hey, everyone. Thanks for joining us today. I wanna give a quick shout out to our sponsors, ServiceTitan and Rola, our technology of choice to helping us scale and grow our business and making sure all of our viewers have the technology to scale their business. So when they wanna sell it, they’re able to.

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